
Aerolase® Neo


The Aerolase Neo is a state-of-the-art aesthetic medical laser designed to offer an unparalleled patient experience in dermatology and aesthetics. Its unique 650-microsecond technology provides comprehensive skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and comfortable manner for all skin types and tones. This advanced laser is designed to target melanin, hemoglobin, and water within the skin tissue, addressing signs of aging with minimal discomfort and no adverse effects.

Aerolase logo blue

Key Features

  • 650-Microsecond Technology:ensures gentle, precise treatment by rapidly passing through the skin and selectively heating target areas without harming surrounding tissue.

    Safe for All Skin Types: This product is effective for even the darkest skin tones and eliminates discomfort during treatment.

  • Comprehensive Rejuvenation: Targets and improves skin clarity and health.

Treating Skin of Color


The Aerolase Neo provides safe and effective treatment for patients of all skin types and tones, including those with darker skin, avoiding the pigmentary risks associated with other laser systems.

NeoSkin Skin of Color model

Key Benefits

  • Revolutionary Technology: 650-microsecond laser energy avoids overheating epidermal melanocytes.
  • Effective and Pleasant: Delivers sought-after results with fewer treatments.

Aerolase® Neo for Acne


This Aerolase Neo treatment offers a revolutionary approach to treating acne for patients of all ages and skin types using advanced 650-microsecond technology. This powerful treatment addresses all major acne factors, including excess sebum production, inflammation, and C. acnes bacteria, with a single device.

Key Benefits

  • Single Device Solution: Eliminates the need for multiple treatments or medications.
  • Deep Penetration: Safely and tolerably penetrates the skin to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy acne-causing bacteria.
  • Quick and Comfortable: Visible results in as little as a few treatments, with no side effects.
  • Cost-Effective: An affordable alternative to prescription medications.

Treatment Details

  • Duration: 10-30 minutes, depending on the severity and area of acne.
  • Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
111acne acne redness natalia geraskova before and after

Aerolase® Neo for Melasma and Hyperpigmentation


This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats melasma and hyperpigmentation for patients of all skin types. By addressing epidermal and dermal melanin and vascular components, it offers a comprehensive solution for these complex conditions.

NeoSkin model

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Treatment: Targets melanin deposits and vascular components to achieve clearance.
  • Minimal Adverse Effects: Highly tolerable with minimal risk compared to traditional treatments.
  • Accelerated Clearance: Can be combined with peels for faster results.

Treatment Details

  • Duration: 15-20 minutes.
  • Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
aerolase melasma before after cheryl burgess 1 treatment

Aerolase® Neo for Rejuvenation and Tightening


This Aerolase Neo treatment provides advanced skin rejuvenation and tightening by addressing multiple skin concerns, including tone, texture, and laxity, with a single device.

Key Benefits

  • Multi-Targeted Approach: Treats fine lines, enlarged pores, sun damage, and age spots.
  • Collagen Stimulation: Promotes collagen production to reduce fine lines and tighten skin.
  • Quick and Customizable: Tailored treatment to address individual patient needs.

Treatment Details

  • Duration: 20-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
  • Comfort: No need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
aerolase skin rejuvenation after 4 treatments jason emer

Aerolase® Neo for Rosacea, Redness, and Veins


This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats rosacea, redness, veins, and broken capillaries with deep-penetrating laser energy that suppresses inflammation and coagulates unwanted veins.

laser going in shroud 3

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Treatment: Addresses all components of rosacea and redness.
  • Quick Sessions: Typically completed in 20-25 minutes.
  • Comfortable and Safe: Highly tolerable with no need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or skin contact during treatment.
aerolase neoskin rosacea kevin pinski after 1 treatment

Aerolase® Neo for Psoriasis Clearance


Aerolase 650 Microsecond Technology™ offers a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for psoriasis, eliminating the need for topical steroids or systemic medications.

neopsoriasis logo

Key Benefits

  • Inflammation Suppression: Deep-penetrating energy suppresses inflammation.
  • No Side Effects: Compared to traditional therapies.
  • Fast Treatment and Clearance: Quicker results than other light-based therapies.
Psoriasis Clarteis

Aerolase® Neo for Nail Fungus


This Aerolase Neo treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick, and effective, often requiring only two or four treatments.

Key Benefits

  • Deep Penetration: Ensures effective heating of the nail bed to destroy fungal material.
  • Quick Recovery: Patients can resume daily activities immediately after treatment.
  • Preventive Care: Recommendations to avoid reinfection post-treatment.

Preventive Care Regimen

  1. Apply antifungal cream for 2 weeks post-procedure.
  2. Spray inside shoes with antifungal spray; avoid wearing shoes for 2 days.
  3. Spray feet or fingers with antifungal spray on an ongoing basis.
  4. Change sheets the first night after treatment.
  5. Cleanse the shower floor with a bleach-based cleaner.
  6. Sterilize nail instruments with bleach.
  7. Discard any previously used nail polish.
  8. Exercise caution in public areas.
Nails Dr. Raj Kumar

Aerolase® Neo for Hair Removal


The Aerolase Neo provides a gentle, virtually painless laser hair removal experience. Multiple sessions ensure effective removal during the hair's growth phase.

hand holding laser

Key Benefits

  • Virtually Painless: Gentler and more pleasant than other lasers.
  • Effective Treatment: A series of treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart ensure maximum results.
David Friedman, MD Hair Removal 2

Aerolase® Neo Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB)


This Aerolase Neo treatment effectively treats PFB by targeting the melanin in the hair and surrounding hyperpigmentation without overheating the epidermal melanin.

Key Benefits

  • Quick and Safe: 650-microsecond pulse duration ensures quick energy delivery without overheating.
  • Effective for Darker Skin Types: Safe and effective for skin types IV through VI.

Acne Treatments with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on skin and severity of the condition, but generally 4 to 6 sessions are required to achieve a good result. After that, the patient may need maintenance every few months depending on their skin type.

Patient should receive 1 treatment every one to two weeks.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced and slight pinching may be felt while using the 2mm spot size. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

The distance does not actually matter, as this is the only laser available with a collimated beam. We recommend working from a distance of 1 to 3 inches with the 6mm lens, so it is close enough for easy aiming yet far enough from the skin so that the handpiece does not visually obscure the target. Although the distance doesn’t affect the energy being emitted at the suggested distance, the size of the aiming beam is truer to the spot size.

When using the 2mm lens, the distance rods should slightly touch the skin without applying too much pressure on the patient’s skin. This is the best way to ensure that the appropriate energy is being delivered since the 2mm focus lens is distance dependent.

The number of treatments as well as results vary from patient to patient. Commonly, improvement may
be seen anywhere from 4–8 weeks if treatments are performed every 1 to 2 weeks depending on the
severity of the condition and the patient’s skin’s reaction to the therapy. Some patient’s condition may
worsen before it gets better.

The Neo utilizes the 6mm and 2mm spot sizes for acne. The 6mm lens is used to canvas the entire affected area in order to effectively heat the sebaceous glands and destroy the p. acnes bacteria on all skin types. The 2mm lens used on skin types I–III to target each visible lesion. The number of pulses is dependent on the size of the lesion, thus effectively killing the active bacteria and reducing the redness of the affected spot.

The 6mm lens used on skin types IV–VI to target each visible lesion. The number of pulses is dependent on the size of the lesion.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should not be treated with on the face with high power using the 2mm lens as the risk of hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentation is increased.

Yes, the Neo Elite will remove pigment and redness from acne scars. It will also improve the skin’s texture slightly due to the absorption of water which will rebuild collagen and elastin.

If seeking major improvement with cratering or pock marks, we highly recommend receiving an ablative Era treatment.

No, there is just a mild, very tolerable sensation of heat. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology. The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology.

There is no cure for acne, only maintenance, so further treatment may be required in the future. This will vary patient to patient and some will have greater results than others depending on the severity of their acne, their skin type, and their daily maintenance.

Hair & PFB Removal with Neo Elite FAQs

The patient should shave 2 or 3 days before the procedure, leaving small 2 to 3mm stubs of hair, but no longer. This is critically important for several reasons:

1. Visible stubs ensures the hairs haven’t been waxed or plucked, so the shaft and follicle are intact and therefore efficacy is not compromised;
2. Seeing the stubs allows you to establish the appropriate fluence for the patient, which should be set at a level that causes most of the stubs to visibly singe;
3. Seeing the stubs allows you to target the areas with actual follicles, rather than wasting time delivering pulses on the skin in between follicles; and
4. Seeing the hairs that DON’T singe enables the clinician to perform a second pass of 1 or 2 pulses per hair that DID NOT respond, to enhance total clearance per session.

This can vary depending on skin and hair color, but generally 4 to 6 sessions are required for 80% clearance or greater, which is considered very good in aesthetic laser medicine. After that, an annual maintenance treatment is recommended.

For PFB, it is recommended that one treatment be completed every 2 to 3 weeks.

For LHR, it is recommended that one treatment be completed every 4 to 8 weeks depending on the area being treated.

Melanin is absorbed in both the hair follicle and skin. This not only damages the hair follicle and impedes growth, but also removes PIH (Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation) in the surrounding area. Thus eliminating bumps caused by ingrown hair.

The Neo utilizes 6mm and 5mm spot sizes for LHR. If the hair stubs are not actively singeing when treated with the 6mm lens, it is necessary to switch to the 5mm lens. These spot sizes are ideal for deep penetration to the follicles while still providing a uniquely gentle laser pulse and sanitary treatment with a handpiece that doesn’t contact the skin.

The distance does not actually matter, as this is the only laser available with a collimated beam. We recommend working from a distance of 1 to 3 inches with the 6mm lens, so it is close enough for easy aiming yet far enough from the skin so that the handpiece does not visually obscure the target. Although the distance doesn’t affect the energy being emitted at the suggested distance, the size of the aiming beam is truer to the spot size.

When using the 5mm lens, the distance rods should slightly touch the skin without applying too much pressure on the patient’s skin. This is the best way to ensure that the appropriate energy is being delivered since the 5mm focus lens is distance dependent.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, and it is helpful if the clinician simply presses upon the treated area occasionally with the surgical glove that he/she is wearing, as this speeds up the dissipation of that heat.

No, there is just a mild, very tolerable sensation of heat. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology. The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost, and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

Please note that if the patient’s hair is longer than 3mm, there is a possibility that they will experience more discomfort.

If the laser lens and fluence setting are chosen correctly, many hairs will singe upon contact with the laser beam and will disappear. Some hairs which are in a dormant growth phase will not respond at all, although some of them will be damaged even if they did not singe. Those which are damaged may fall out within a few days after treatment or even immediately if the treatment site is rubbed.

While it is not necessary to do multiple passes for hair removal, there is no contraindication to doing so. If there are hairs that did not singe or are still present, they should be removed during one of the following treatments and extra time does not need to be invested towards going over areas twice. As a general rule to appease patients, a clean-up pass to singe any remaining hairs may be done.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo-pigmentation.

There is no light based hair removal technology which is efficient on blonde or gray hair because Melanin is the primary target or chromophore in laser hair removal, so treatment efficacy is typically
much lower if the hair is low in melanin (like gray or blonde hair).

The FDA requires that laser manufacturers describe the process as “permanent hair reduction”, not “permanent hair removal”, because, in their words, “although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair.” Patients can generally expect more than 75% to 80% clearance after 6 sessions and should plan on 1 or 2 annual follow up sessions for ideal maintenance.

Melasma with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on the size density of melanin and depth of the affected area. Typically melasma will lighten or disappear completely after 3–5 treatments although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

One treatment should be completed every 3–4 weeks.

Melasma is a very common patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray facial skin discoloration, primarily seen on the upper cheeks, lip, forehead and chin of women 20–50 years of age. Uncontrolled sunlight exposure is considered the leading cause of melasma, especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition to this condition. Melasma is most common among pregnant women, called Chloasma, especially those of Latin and Asian descents. People with olive or darker skin, such as Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern individuals, have higher incidences of melasma.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

It is recommended that 5–6 passes should be performed during each treatment session.

The Neo typically utilizes a combination of lower and higher fluences with the 6mm lens. Typically, higher energy settings are needed for lighter spots, while lower energy settings are required to get rid of darker spots. Consider using the 5mm spot size on skin types I–III as melasma lightens. The handpiece does not need to touch the skin when using the 6mm spot size, but when using the 5mm spot size, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without applying pressure.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper and/ or hypo-pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper and/or hypo-pigmentations.

A dermatologist should first check raised pigmented spots before starting any kind of treatment. If the dermatologist clears the patient for treatment, you may proceed with administering treatments.

Typically, melasma will slowly lighten over the course of the next few days to weeks as the pigmented area is slowly absorbed into the skin by your body’s natural healing process. In some cases, the pigment will darken before becoming lighter. In the event that any crusting or scabbing occurs, it is important to always keep the area moist as to reduce the risk of scarring.

Melasma is typically characterized by having up and down periods where the symptoms heighten and lessen. While the laser light can help lighten or completely rid of the pigmentation factors such as sun exposure, hormones and your genetic disposition can play a role in a recurrence of the symptoms.

Nail Fungus Removal with Neo Elite FAQs

Typically 2–4 treatment sessions are recommended spaced out 1–2 weeks to gauge the success of each subsequent treatment and to physically view the clear nail growth. Follow-up treatments may be needed to prevent or treat reinfection.

It is recommended a treatment be completed once every 1 to 2 weeks.

Nail fungal infections are caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. Pathogens that cause nail fungus infections usually enter the skin through tiny cuts or small separations between the nail and nail bed. The fungi grow when the nail provides a suitably warm and moist environment. Nails that are infected with fungus typically are thickened, brittle, crumbly, ragged, distorted, dull, and darker or yellowish in color. A patient may also experience onycholysis, where infected nails separate from the nail bed. Sometimes, nail fungal infections result in pain in the toes or fingertips, and they may even emit a slight foul odor.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

The laser light passes through the nail and skin to reach the nail bed and matrix. The laser light selectively targets the fungal infection to superheat the fungal structures in order to effectively eradicate them. It is generally agreed upon that a heat of at least 45 degrees Celsius is necessary to kill fungus, which is why the Neo Elite’s unique high power in a short pulse duration makes the treatment so effective yet tolerable.

Fungal infections are highly contagious and can eventually spread to other nails. Since some nails may be infected without showing any signs of infection it is recommended that all nails be treated with the laser as a precautionary measure.

It is generally agreed upon that heat is what causes the eradication of fungal organisms within the nail. For greater efficacy, it is advised to generate greater heat, which can be accomplished via multiple passes, but this should be determined by the patient’s heat sensitivity and the severity of the condition.

The Neo typically utilizes the 5mm and 2mm lenses for fungal treatments due to the need to generate higher power in order to superheat the fungal material beneath the nail. It is recommended to complete 3 full passes on each nail with the 5mm lens followed by completing 1 pass with the 2mm lens on nails that show visible fungus.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper and/ or hypo-pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo-pigmentations.

To successfully eradicate nail fungus and improve the condition and color of a nail includes both time and consistent foot care to deter reinfection. It takes a nail 9–12 months to completely grow out so it is important to be patient and adhere to the after care directions given. Immediately after treatment, you will not notice any differences in your nail. As the nail grows out you should start to see clear nail growth, which will continue as long as reinfection does not occur.

Nail fungus has a higher recurrence than most treatments due to the complexity of the situation and number of steps and care needed to effectively kill an initial infection in the first place. While nails can commonly be successfully treated, there is a strong focus on deterring reinfection by consistently adhering to patient aftercare and attention to foot care. Due to the possibility of spreading and reinfection, we recommend the patients bring a clean pair of socks to each treatment session. They should also spray their shoes with an anti fungal spray, clean their showers, and their bed sheets.

Pigmented Spot Removal with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on the size and color of the pigmented spot. Typically sun and age spots will disappear completely after 2–4 treatments although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

It is recommended that one treatment be completed every 3–4 weeks.

Sun and age spots are commonly found on sun exposed skin. They typically do not appear until middle age and can appear in all skin types. Birthmarks and freckles are also commonly found in many people as a pigmented spot on the body without any sun damage. Spots can increase with age and with increased sun exposure. They are more common in people who freckle and who burn easily. It is important to know that if you have had enough sun to develop age spots, you have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. Age spots are collections of a pigment (called melanin) that have accumulated in the epidermis. Unlike some freckles, which darken in the summer and fade in the winter, age spots do not fade.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

It is recommended 1–5 passes are done on each individual lesion. If you find that there is no reaction from the first pulse, additional pulses may need to be applied to the spot.

Certain spots will react differently to the laser light. A good reaction is the spot darkening almost immediately after the laser is pulsed on the skin.

It is recommended to pre-heat each lesion by completing 3 passes using the 6mm lens. After that, complete 1–5 passes using the 2mm lens for skin types I–III or the 6mm lens on skin types IV–VI.

Typically, higher energy settings are needed for lighter-colored lesions, while lower energy settings are required to get rid of darker lesions. When treating the lesions using a 2mm focus lens, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without applying too much pressure.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.

A dermatologist should first check raised pigmented spots before starting any kind of treatment. If the dermatologist clears the patient for treatment you may proceed with administering treatments.

The pigmented spots will continue to darken and commonly turn black. They will eventually scab over and slough off so it is important to always keep the area moist, using Aquaphor, as to reduce the risk of scarring.

Many spots will be gone permanently, but due to the skin aging and continued sun exposure new spots will likely develop over time and more treatments will need to be performed. To slow the aging process and reduce the likeliness of new spots developing, patients should always apply sunblock when in the sun and avoid prolonged sun exposure.

Psoriasis Treatment with Neo Elite FAQs

Individual results will vary, but can depend on the body surface that is affected. Although some patients may see results sooner, typically 5 or more treatments are required.

When preheating the vessel, you may complete 3 passes. However, when spot treating each individual vessel with the 2mm or 5mm focus lens, it is important that you only complete one pass whether or not a change is visible due to the increased risk of scarring.

Psoriasis is a chronic disorder that causes thick red plaques with silvery scales on the skin. The thick scaling is due to a rapid increase in the multiplication of skin cells. Your body produces other immune responses which can lead to swelling and the rapid production of skin cells. Psoriasis symptoms tend to increase and decrease, but certain factors can cause flare-ups, including, but not limited to alcohol, stress, medications, smoking, and skin trauma.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

Typically, 3–4 passes should be performed on each psoriatic lesion to maximize the efficacy of the treatment.

The Neo typically utilizes higher fluences with the 5mm lens due to the need to destroy the microvasculature that feeds the skin lesions. When using the 5mm spot size, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without applying pressure.

A dermatologist should first check raised pigmented spots before starting any Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.

Immediately after treatment there may be some transient erythema in or adjacent to the treated area, which should resolve within a few days. It may take up to 6 weeks for the affected areas of skin return to a more normal thickness, but the redness may take up to several months to improve. Typically, main-
tenance sessions will need to be scheduled for continued improvement of

Psoriasis is typically characterized by having up and down periods where the symptoms heighten and lessen. While psoriasis is not curable, it can be controlled with laser light so that you may function and the redness will decrease. While psoriasis may improve with treatment and even be gone for a number of months, it may never completely go away.

Rosacea with Neo Elite FAQs

It is recommended that the patient receives 3–4 treatments.

Typically, the more pigment or vasculature the scar contains the more treatment sessions may be needed. While there may be noticeable improvement after just one treatment, multiple treatment sessions may be needed to sufficiently eradicate the color.

One treatment should be performed every 3–4 weeks.

It is generally recommended that multiple passes are applied over the affected area to sufficiently heat the targeted source of pigmentation to help clear the color and improve skin texture.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

The Neo typically utilizes a combination of lower and higher fluences with the 6mm and 5mm lenses. Typically, more power is needed for lighter spots, while lower fluence is required to get rid of darker spots. The handpiece does not need to touch the skin when using the 6mm spot size, but when using the 5mm spot size, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without adding pressure.

It is recommended that only the 6mm lens should be used on skin types IV–VI.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.

You may return to your normal activities immediately after treatment and could notice an improvement over the next 3–4 weeks but generally will see results after 2–3 sessions. If no change occurs, the next treatment session will need to utilize a higher fluence for a more dramatic improvement.

Scar Revision with Neo Elite FAQs

Individual results will vary, but can depend on the body surface that is affected. While some patients may see relief in just one treatment, other patients may need 3 to 4 treatments to achieve their desired result.

It is recommended that one treatment be completed once every 3 to 4 weeks.

Rosacea is a chronic disorder that is characterized by facial flushing and with time the gradual development of persistent facial redness and spider-like blood vessels. It is often punctuated by episodes of inflammatory papules (bumps), pustules (pimples), and swelling. Management for many people often includes avoidance of popular foods and alcohol as well as cosmetic camouflage, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

1064nm laser energy is absorbed in hemoglobin to break down diffused redness, and at higher fluences will also coagulate capillaries or spider veins that may supply blood into affected areas.

Typically, 4–6 passes should be performed to maximize the efficacy of the treatment.

Depending on the color variation of the rosacea either the 6mm or 5mm is recommended. However, for patients with darker skin types we recommend the use of the 6mm only. Individual spider veins or capillaries present may be treated with higher fluence which may include the 2mm lens on skin types I–III or 5mm lens for skin types IV–VI. When using the 6mm lens, the handpiece does not need to touch the skin. When using the 5mm or 2mm lens, the distance rods should be rested on top of the skin, but the legs should never be pushed into the skin.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.

Immediately after treatment there may be some transient erythema or purpura, in or adjacent to the treated area, which is more common in older patients or those who are taking blood-thinning medications and should resolve within a few days. The redness and vasculature may not immediately disappear and may take up to several months to fully improve and clear. Typically, maintenance sessions will need to be scheduled for continued improvement of flare-ups.

It is possible that some vascular lesions may scab so it is important to always keep the area moist as to reduce the risk of scarring.

Rosacea is typically characterized by having up and down periods where the symptoms heighten and lessen. While rosacea is not curable, it can be controlled with laser light so that the redness will decrease. While rosacea may improve with treatment and even be gone for a number of months, it may never completely
go away.

Skin Rejuvenation with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on skin and severity of the condition, but generally 6 sessions are required to achieve a good result. After that, the patient may need maintenance every few months depending on their skin type.

The distance does not actually matter, as this is the only laser available with a collimated beam. We recommend working from a distance of 1 to 3 inches with the 6mm lens, so it is close enough for easy aiming yet far enough from the skin so that the handpiece does not visually obscure the target. Although the distance doesn’t affect the energy being emitted at the suggested distance, the size of the aiming beam is truer to the spot size.

When using the 2mm lens, the distance rods should slightly touch the skin without applying too much pressure on the patient’s skin. This is the best way to ensure that the appropriate energy is being delivered since the 2mm focus lens is distance dependent.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it
uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced and slight pinching may be felt while using the 2mm spot size. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

No, there is just a mild, very tolerable sensation of heat. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology. The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology.

Patients may notice a glow or tightening sensation immediately after the first treatment. Some patients may also notice a reduction in pore size a few weeks after the first treatment. Typically a session every month for 6 months is required. Patients should notice considerable results after the entire course of treatments is complete. Patients may see additional improvement for 6 months following the treatment due to the continual growth of new collagen and elastin.

The Neo utilizes the 6mm, 5mm and 2mm spot sizes for skin rejuvenation. The 6mm lens is used on skin types I–VI, to canvas the entire area in order to effectively heat the water within the dermis. The 5mm lens is used to heat the water within the areas where skin is thicker, such as the neck and jawline. The 2mm lens is then used to target any red or brown spots to complete the procedure. We recommend only using the 2mm and 5mm lens on skin types I–III.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should not be treated with on the face with high power using the 2mm lens as the risk of hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentation is increased.

While your skin will appear firmer, more full, and both red and brown spots will diminish, the skin will continue to age so maintenance treatments may be required in the future. To reduce the signs of aging it is important to wear sunscreen, which will slow any increase of wrinkles and sun damage.

Vascular Lesion Removal with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on the size and color of the vessel. Typically angiomas and spider veins will disappear completely after 1–2 treatments although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

When preheating the vessel, you may complete 3 passes. However, when spot treating each individual vessel with the 2mm or 5mm focus lens, it is important that you only complete one pass whether or not a change is visible due to the increased risk of scarring.

It is recommended to pre-heat each vessel by completing 3 passes using the 6mm lens. After that, complete 1 pass using the 2mm lens for skin types I–III or the 5mm lens on skin types IV–VI.

Typically, higher energy settings are needed for lighter-colored vessels, while lower energy settings are required to get rid of darker vessels. When treating the lesions, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without applying too much pressure.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

Vascular lesions can form due to a backup of blood for a number of reasons including aging, sun exposure, pregnancy, and hormonal changes as well as certain types of injuries.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.

A dermatologist should first check raised pigmented spots before starting any kind of treatment. If the dermatologist clears the patient for treatment you may proceed with administering treatments.

The vascular lesion may appear to look like a cat scratch for 3–4 weeks. It will eventually scab over and slough off so it is important to always keep the area moist, using Aquaphor, as to reduce the risk of scarring.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

Many vessels will be gone permanently, but due to the skin aging, continued sun exposure and hormonal changes, new vessels will likely develop over time and more treatments will need to be performed. To slow the aging process and reduce the likeliness of new vessels developing, patients should always apply sunblock when in the sun and avoid prolonged
sun exposure.

Wart Removal with Neo Elite FAQs

This can vary depending on the depth and size of the wart. Typically warts disappear completely after 2–4 treatments although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

One treatment should be completed every 1–2 weeks.

Since there is a possibility of the virus becoming airborne, the use of medical smoke evacuator should be used to remove any plume that may arise. Viral grade gloves and masks are also recommended.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with Neo Elite, because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced, especially using higher fluences with the 2mm lens.

There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.

A wart is a type of skin growth caused by a viral infection of the skin, commonly found on the fingers and around fingernails as well as the bottom of the feet. It commonly enters the body through an area of broken skin, which can cause rapid growth above the skin or even slow growth beneath the skin, as is common with plantar warts.

The Neo typically utilizes the 2mm lens for wart removal due to the high fluence needed to effectively destroy the vasculature beneath the skin. Typically, more power is needed for smaller warts, while lower fluence is required to get rid of larger warts. When treating the lesions, the distance rods should touch the skin slightly without applying too much pressure.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper and/ or hypo-pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper and/or hypo-pigmentations.

If you are unsure that the structure is a wart or skin tag it is advisable that a dermatologist should first check the raised structure before starting any kind of treatment. If the dermatologist clears the patient for treatment you may proceed with administering treatments. Skin tags are treated with similar settings as warts because in both cases, the goal is to coagulate the vasculature that is feeding the lesion.

Raised warts may darken once treated, but warts that are beneath the skin may not exhibit any immediate visible change. If the vasculature has successfully been eradicated the wart will slowly subside and scab over, eventually sloughing off over the course of several weeks.

Once the vasculature feeding the wart has been destroyed, it is likely that it will be gone permanently. However, it’s important to note that the virus will still remain in the bloodstream and new warts can form at any time.

Wound Healing & Pain Management with Neo Elite FAQs

It is recommended patients receive at least 3–6 treatments. Typically, the more chronic or severe the condition, the longer the body takes to respond. The majority of conditions treated will take anywhere from a single treatment to multiple treatments. The number of treatments you need depends upon the severity of the condition and how long you’ve had it. Certain conditions may require several treatments a week to effectively and sufficiently heal properly.

It is recommended that a treatment be completed 1 to 2 times per week.

It is generally recommended that multiple passes are applied over the affected area to sufficiently heat the tissue enough to optimize the immune response and effectively start the healing cascade.

Laser therapy is completely painless for most people. A small percentage of patients report feeling a tingling sensation in the treatment area. Some people feel a slight sensation of warmth. However, the majority of people feel nothing during treatment.

Neo Elite laser therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing response to produce beneficial effects. Lasers supply pulses of light that penetrate deeply into the skin and surrounding tissues, they optimize the immune responses of the blood. The effects are both anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive as the healing cascade begins.

It is recommended to use a 6mm lens. The Neo typically utilizes a lower fluence and larger spot size for healing due to the depth and gentle pulses needed to effectively stimulate healing.

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper and/ or hypo-pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper and/or hypo-pigmentations.

Immediately after treatment, a wound should be covered with an appropriate dressing. Whether you notice immediate improvement or not depends on the type of condition and the length of time the condition has been present.

Typically, the more chronic or severe the condition, the longer the body can take to respond. Treatments can range from single treatment to multiple treatments to achieve the desired results. The number of treatments you need depends upon the severity of the condition and how long you’ve had it. There are some conditions that cannot be completely resolved but can be helped, improved and maintained with laser therapy. If your condition does not change immediately, it may take 3–4 sessions before a noticeable change is experienced.

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“Working with Lindsay could not have been easier! Scheduling was a breeze. She was very friendly, and informative upfront about the services she provides what to expect. Lindsay was able to easily set up at our home and provide treatments quickly and efficiently to our entire group. Could not more highly recommend her!”

— C.B.


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