Charlotte Medical Aesthetics is committed to helping you look and feel your personal best by providing the highest level of medical grade cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers, microneedling, neurotoxin injections, and skin tightening. Each of our services is carefully designed to fit your unique needs, and our highly experienced staff is ready to support you every step of the way. Reach out today to learn more.
Lindsay Crenshaw, M.D.
Dr. Lindsay Crenshaw is board-certified in Emergency Medicine. She founded Charlotte Medical Aesthetics out of a passion for enhancing a client’s natural beauty using minimally invasive techniques, such as dermal fillers, microneedling, and neurotoxin injections.
Jessica Gibbs
Jess is a Licensed Esthetician who fell in love with aesthetics organically. Driven by her desire to help people feel confident in their own skin, she specializes in results-driven and customized treatments that are personalized based on each client's individual goals and needs. She's extremely experienced in micro-needling, laser treatments, and chemical peels. Her services will surely leave you glowing and falling in love with yourself again.